Accelerating the electrification of Canada’s buildings

Canada’s voice for building electrification
The Building Decarbonization Alliance is a non-partisan and cross-sector coalition working towards a future where electrified buildings are part of an affordable and resilient energy system that contributes to a prosperous, sustainable, and decarbonized Canada.
With over 250 partners and growing, we’re working together to change the narrative on building heat, inspire and inform industry and government leadership, and accelerate market transformation.

Become a Partner:
Want to help the building sector meet its net-zero goals? Fill out our partner declaration and add your voice to the BDA.
Sign up today!
Leading with evidence and conviction
We reach beyond rhetoric to engage with evidence and science. We’re conducting original analysis, helping put in place the conditions for effective policy, and increasing awareness of the benefits of decarbonized all-electric buildings.
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