

About the Moderator

Roberto Pecora

Director, ZEBx

Roberto's journey through the building industry extends back over two decades and includes stops in Ottawa and Montreal before settling in Vancouver. In addition to his mechanical engineering degree, he has extensive experience in both new developments and existing buildings. Before joining ZEBx in early 2020 as the Director of Programs, Roberto had successfully taken on project management roles for architectural millwork suppliers, a general contractor and a national property management firm. He also worked in the building science group of a national consulting engineering firm, specializing in building assessments, capital planning, asset management, energy studies and building performance. Roberto is a member of the Energy Step Code Council, some of its subcommittees and numerous advisory groups in BC. Through his various roles, he has become very well acquainted with the real estate, property management, consulting and construction industries. Most importantly, Roberto has a deep-rooted belief that the building industry has both a responsibility for climate action and a major contribution to make to address the climate crisis. 

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About the Panelists

Heather McDiarmid

Founder, McDiarmid Climate Consulting

Heather McDiarmid is the founder of McDiarmid Climate Consulting, which specializes in research, analysis and communications work related to decarbonizing the residential sector.  Recent work includes modeling the cost effectiveness of heat pumps in Ontario and the impact of widespread heat pump adoption on the Ontario grid. She has also developed climate-related course materials for educational and corporate institutions including the International Civil Aviation Organization and holds a Research Associate position at the University of Waterloo. When not working to build a climate-safe future, she enjoys hanging out with her family, biking, kayaking, and playing the oboe. 

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Mark Jerome

Senior Technical Energy Manager, CLEAResult

Mark Jerome has nearly 30 years of experience in the heating, ventilation, air-conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) industry. He has worked in all phases of the residential and commercial sectors. Mark has been a voting member of the Regional Technical Forum (RTF) since January 2007 and was appointed the Vice Chair as of January 2022. He was appointed as a member of the Demand Response Advisory Committee (DRAC) as of June 2021. Mark also serves or has served on a number of expert panels in the Pacific Northwest. As Senior Technical Energy Manager with the Engineering department of CLEAResult, Mark plays critical roles in several energy efficiency programs, including managing the Building Science & Engineering Team (BSET) as well as providing program design and training for residential Heat Pump and AC programs offered by several of our clients. Mark has been certified as an assessor & quality assurance inspector for the DOE Home Energy Score.  Mark is currently a quality insurance inspector, trainer and program subject matter expert for the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Performance Tested Comfort Systems (PTCS) Residential Heat Pump & Duct Sealing Programs. Mark is also an active BPI proctor and trainer and an EPA 608 refrigerant trainer and proctor. 

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Martin Luymes

Vice President of Government and Stakeholder Relation, Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI)

Martin Luymes is Vice President of Government and Stakeholder Relations for the Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada (HRAI), Canada’s association for the HVACR industry. He is responsible for the government relations and industry advocacy work of the association. Prior to HRAI, Martin was Project Director for the Social Investment Organisation (SIO), Research Director for the Independent Power Producers Society of Ontario (IPPSO) and a Research Associate and Sessional Lecturer at the University of Toronto. Martin holds a Master of Arts Degree in Urban Geography and Planning from the University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree from Queen's University in Kingston.

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Sophie Geoghegan

Climate Campaigner, Environmental Investigation Agency

Sophie is Climate Campaigner at the Environmental Investigation Agency working on F-gas and PFAS policy and sustainable cooling. She works on the revision of the EU and GB F-gas Regulation revisions, on the Montreal Protocol and with industry and other stakeholders to promote energy efficient, natural refrigerant cooling. Before joining EIA, she worked for a renewable energy company focusing on energy storage.

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