

À propos des auteurs

Bryan Flannigan

Executive Director

Bryan brings more than three decades of leadership and consulting experience with governments, utilities, and businesses to find technical, program, and policy solutions to reduce emissions and improve the energy efficiency of the built environment. Prior to joining The Transition Accelerator, Bryan played leadership and expert advisor roles with a number of Canada’s leading energy and environmental consulting firms, including ICF International, Posterity Group, and Econoler. He was Senior Manager of Operations at the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, and helped successfully launch the Green Municipal Fund. His early career was built on a foundation of technical and engineering roles including Director of Technical Services at Del Management Solutions and Energy Engineer at Siemens Building Technologies. Bryan holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Ottawa, and is a Professional Engineer licensed in the province of Ontario.

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Mathieu Poirier

Director of Policy

Matt prides himself on translating research findings into actionable solutions to support the clean energy transition. He brings more than a decade of experience working to decarbonize the built environment via positions in—and engagements with—governments, utilities, and industry. Before joining the Building Decarbonization Alliance, Matt held consulting roles at Dunsky Energy + Climate Advisors and Deloitte, and worked in industry and non-profit organizations focusing on green building design and legal analysis. He holds degrees in mechanical engineering and psychology from the University of Waterloo, and a law degree from Dalhousie University. He also earned an MBA from Saint Mary’s University. Matt also co-authored The Case for Building Electrification in Canada, our foundational position paper.

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Matériel supplémentaire

Ce document de travail vise à présenter ce que nous savons pour le moment sur ce sujet complexe, sur la base de quelques premiers retours. Nous demandons donc aux intervenants de ce milieu de nous faire part de leurs idées, de leurs observations ou de données supplémentaires afin d’appuyer ou de remettre en question notre compréhension de cette question complexe. Bien que tous soient invités à faire part de leurs commentaires, nous aimerions tout particulièrement obtenir les impressions des parties prenantes suivantes :

  • planificateurs de réseau de transport et de distribution des services publics d’électricité canadiens
  • organismes de réglementation et intervenants impliqués dans des processus réglementaires
  • décideurs gouvernementaux de tout palier
  • promoteurs ou constructeurs dans le secteur résidentiel
  • consultants ou conseillers ayant travaillé sur cet enjeu

Les intervenants de ces organisations qui sont intéressés à faire part de leurs idées et commentaires peuvent les partager en suivant ce lien vers un formulaire en ligne. Celui-ci collectera les retours de façon structurée. Nous vous remercions d’avance de votre participation !


Cite as: Andrée P., Hunter B., and Meadowcroft J. (2023). Strategic Framework for Accelerating Sustainable Agriculture in Canada: Recommendations for Philanthropy. Transition Accelerator. Version 3.

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